Is God in control?

You have increased your wonders, O Jehovah my God; and your thoughts towards us, it is not possible to count them before you. If I announce and speak about them, they cannot be numbered. Psalms 40: 5

With this entire CODVID 19 situation and so many other things that we are suffering throughout the world, many of us have wondered, if God is in control? Continue reading “Is God in control?”

Hard times

“Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love”  2 John 1: 3.

In this 21st century, where society has apparently emerged in high technology, world economy, medicine, education, laws that protect the individual, free expression, free expression of religious and political ideology, freedom of race and culture, and even Constitutions created for the welfare of man. And that today, we could walk with the freedom that our ancestors suffered to be today what we are. Continue reading “Hard times”


34 And Jesus said to her, “Child, your faith has healed you; go in peace and be healed of your affliction. Saint Mark 5:34

Cancer, is a disease that has impacted both women and men and children. Cancer is a disease that does not discriminate. We have the condition of breast cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the prostate and many other parts of the human organ that has been affected by cancer. But, good thing that the human being has the capacity to detect his condition in time, take care of his health and make preventive measures to avoid later affecting his health and emotional well-being. Continue reading “Cancer”

Divorce? Recover my Marriage (Part III)

“Love…7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things”. 1 Corinthians 13:7 ( New King James version)

In this blog, I will continue talking about more practical and personal advice that helped me recover my marriage. I hope that the following practical advice you can evaluate each stage of your marriage and / or relationship as a couple to repair on time the crack that can impact later your marital life. Continue reading “Divorce? Recover my Marriage (Part III)”