Woman you are special

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10

Recently, I was watching a movie “Working Mom” it was ​​about women and their role as mothers, their jobs, and their lives. In the film there were professional women, housewives, and especially wives. The most surprising thing about women is that no matter what social status we have, our body changes, our emotional state changes and everything around us is different than when we were young, with energy and desire to travel the whole world. Moreover, our priorities change and there comes a time when we doubt about the relationship with our partner, and many other things that happen to us over time. What really happens to us when there is a change in our body? Continue reading “Woman you are special”


How beautiful you are, my darling. How very beautiful!  Song of Songs 4: 1

Women have long been devalued, marginalized, and mistreated. Since the history, we have read how much the woman has suffered. Even in the Bible we read how women have been discriminated against by men. Until one day, Jesus came to earth and broke with the pattern of the customs of the masculine society. Continue reading “Woman”