
Wisdom and science are given to you; and I will also give you riches, goods, and glory, as the kings who have been before you never had, nor will those who come after you have. 2 Chronicles 1:12

I remember a story where a man asked God for wisdom, he didn’t ask for riches, he didn’t ask for health, just wisdom. I think this man was smart from the beginning. Continue reading “Wisdom”


And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is intelligence. Job 28:28.

I recently received a message that said “Knowing a lot is not the same as being smart. Intelligence is not only information, but also judgment to handle it. ”Carl Segara. This thought captivated my attention, and I had to read it several times to be able to assimilate it into my life. The truth is that many times we think we are intelligent, but when the time comes to make a decision many times it is not the most correct. Why does this happen to us? Are we not intelligent beings? Continue reading “Intelligence”


For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2: 6

Much is said about wisdom, but what is wisdom and what does it mean to have wisdom? First, we will define wisdom, according to https://www.wordreference.com: Continue reading “Wisdom”