The Present

Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. Isaiah 42:9

I was reading the book Fish by Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul, and John Christensen and my attention were drawn to this passage that read:

The past is history

The future is a mystery

Today is a gift

That is why it is called present.

How many of us have stayed in the past, others analyzing how the future will be, and there are also others who wasted the present. Time runs and does not stop. We want to stop time, give it back or even accelerate time. But, we really waste time and energy thinking about so many things running so fast that we lose every moment of our lives. We lose the details, we lose the caresses, and we lose seeing what is around us and so many other things that are small but essential in our lives. A gesture of kindness like a good morning, a hello, a how are you…

Valuing our present is a beautiful gift, it is a day of life. It is an opportunity that is given to us. It is not a day to stop time but to stop ourselves to see, smell, touch every essence that happens in our day by day. Time to laugh, time to love, time to forgive, time to talk, time to express what we feel without hiding who you really are.

You are … a beautiful being, full of life, full of dreams, and hopes. A being who knows how to love, who knows how to fly but also knows how to rest. Time is yours and you know it. There is no time to lose. Your moment is now, it was not tomorrow, nor is it the future, it is now. Our current moment will determine your future, the past taught us life lessons, and we reflect to improve each day and not make the same mistakes.

Live fully, laugh, and dance because your moment is beautiful, it is your present.

Reference: Christensen, J., Harry, P, & Lundin Stephen (2001). Fish: The effectiveness of a team lies in its ability to motivate. Ed 2nd. Empresa XXI.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. I am in front of your presence to ask you to help me with my present because I know that my future will be much better if you are in my life. I ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it’s time to stop for a moment. We live so fast that we have lost the essence of life. Breathe and exhale, what do you see? What do you feel? What do you smell? It is time to activate your 5 or 6 senses. It’s time for … (Write, execute it) don’t think too much, remember that today is your day. But above all, keep God in your life.