That is why I say to you: believe that you have already received everything that you are asking for in prayer, and you will get it. Mark 11:24

In difficult times we stop and stop doing what we are really called to do. When we fail, we lower our guard and forget God’s purpose for us. God reminds us that it is time to take back what God has put in our hands. Continue reading “STEPS OF FAITH”

Show Me The Way

Make me hear your mercy in the morning, because I trust you; show me the way I must walk, because to you I lift my soul. Psalm 143: 8

Through time, many of us wait, listen, meditate, seek recommendations, and so many other things before deciding. But, on the other hand, there are many of us who act without thinking about the consequences, instead we jump into the unknown without taking precautions and do not measure the consequences of those hasty decisions. Then, we wonder what would have happened if I had done this or that? Continue reading “Show Me The Way”

You Have Power

Behold, I give you the power to trample snakes and scorpions, and over all the forces of the enemy, and nothing will harm you. Luke 10:19

Recently, I was talking to one of my sisters about the story of Paul and Silas (the biblical book of Acts). They were men full of power and authority. They were men who healed, cast out demons and as many other virtues as men of God. When we reflect on them, God reminds us that each of us has the power of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus left us before ascending to heaven. The Holy Spirit … Continue reading “You Have Power”


Do not you worry about anything; rather, each time, with prayer and supplication, present your requests to God and give him thanks. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7.

Gratitude is a feeling of value and esteem for a good received, be it spiritual or material. Gratitude is not an obligation but a voluntary wish that arises through words or a gesture or action. How important it is to be grateful during the circumstances we live in, be they good or bad. Continue reading “Gratitude”

The garden

Don’t be fooled; God cannot be mocked: for whatever man sows, he will also reap. Galatians 6: 7.

The garden is a land where a variety of species such as flowers and vegetables are cultivated among others. The garden allows us to have a diversity of flowers, but what is it that keeps a garden beautiful? Continue reading “The garden”

The power of faith

For I assure you: If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17:20).

How many times have we doubted? Sometimes situations happen in our lives and we doubt if it is possible. Time passes and we see no results. But, the truth is that the mere fact of doubting freezes or delays what is ours. Continue reading “The power of faith”