The hole

You who have made me see many anguish and afflictions, you will restore my life again; and you will bring me up again from the depths of the earth. Psalm 71:20.

Today, as I walked I watched as some employees dug a hole (concavity) to plant a tree. While watching how they made the hole, I observed how the driver of the machine dug the hole and the other person indicated the depth required by the hole to plant the tree. While continuing to observe the process, another driver brought the tree protecting the roots so that they would not be affected by the movement, although the tree had no leaves, because of the winter, I knew that soon the leaves would arrive with spring. When analyzing this process, I thought that our life is similar to a tree which depended on the depth of the hole to sustain itself with the climatic changes. Then, I was wondering, how deep will our hole be? Continue reading “The hole”