You have looked at me

They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed. Psalm 34:5 (NKJV)

We have been shipwrecked for many years and we have not yet found a safe harbor. We try to find a solution to the situation, but it has been temporary. We have got tired, we have fatigued and we have exhausted all the resources, the advice, and we have even lost friends and family along the way. There is nothing out there that can give us the comfort and peace we so badly need. Even surrounded by so many people, we have found ourselves empty; alone. Continue reading “You have looked at me”

The fisherman

“Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Mathew 4:19

Today there is much talk about the disciples in Jesus’ life, but who were the disciples of Jesus? They were fishermen and one of them was a tax collector. When we analyze the life of a fisherman we find that a fisherman was a person who  is a worker, early riser, strong, merchant, patient, bad smell, possibly consumed some type of alcohol to control his cold body, intense and violent character, explosive temper, given to the fight, do not fear the storm, little or no education, do not fear the circumstances, do not give up, Continue reading “The fisherman”