
“That is why it was called Babel-because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.” Genesis 11: 9

Creation is full of great diversity. Diversity of plants, fruits, terrestrial and aquatic animals and also, we have diversity of humankind. When we talk about the diversity of man and woman, we find a diversity of cultures, languages, ages, skills or talents and knowledge.

Studying the history of the Tower of Babel, we found that everyone had a diversity of skills to achieve the goal of building the highest tower to reach the sky. In order to build the tower, they required collaboration to help fulfill the mission, there was teamwork, the strengths and weaknesses of each person were identified, and there were different personalities. Although, we know that finally, the tower was not completed because the diversity of languages arose, even so the people were divided according to their language since they could understand each other and communicate with each other. Continue reading “Diversity”