Coronavirus and healing

Praise, my soul, the Lord; praise all my being his holy name. Praise, my soul, the Lord, and do not forget any of its benefits. He forgives all your sins and heals all your ailments. Psalms 103: 1-3

Today, I want to share the testimony of one of my loved ones about the corona virus in their life and in the family. But, especially motivational words in the midst of the pandemic, COVID 19. Today, I share the message of healing about this corona virus pandemic that is affecting many loved ones. The message is the following: Continue reading “Coronavirus and healing”

Physician of Physicians

When Jesus heard that, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Matthew 9:12.

How many of us have gone to a doctor for X or Y health situation? I think almost everyone has gone to a doctor. But, the saddest part of the case is when the news of health is not favorable for you or a loved one. To our surprise, the news takes us by surprise, our mood changes, our thoughts run at a million per second or we are paralyzed by the news, we cannot believe it. Many of us cry or even stay in a state of “shock”. And, the only question that comes out is, and now what doctor? What will I do? I did not expect this news! Continue reading “Physician of Physicians”