What does red mean in your life?

The shield of the mighty is red, the warriors are clothed in scarlet, and the chariots of sparkling steel when they are in formation, and the cypress spears are brandished. Nahum 2: 3

After some difficult, dark, and gray times we rise again. We change those dark colors for vibrant colors and especially for the red known as “colorado” or vermilion. Red is a primary color, so it does not require a combination of other colors to form. Within the theory of color, it is considered warm. Red is a color that stimulates the appetite, transmits power, security, passion, energy, desire to succeed and above all a color that does not go unnoticed. Red … what is its meaning in your life? Continue reading “What does red mean in your life?”

The Water Lily

See how the flowers of the field grow. They don’t work to make her dress. But I assure you, not even King Solomon, in all his glory, dressed like one of them. Luke 12:27.

The water lily is an aquatic flowering plant that grows in lakes, ponds, swamps, or slow-flowing streams. It is there when the oxygen level is low and the conditions are not ideal is where the water lily expresses all its majesty. This flower is considered as a symbol of the transmutation of human suffering into enlightenment. They say that this flower reminds us that even in the midst of dirt and chaos, the being of light that we carry within can flourish in each one. Continue reading “The Water Lily”

Loneliness, the 21st century epidemic at the time of the coronavirus pandemic

Do not reject me in the time of old age; do not forsake me when I lack strength. Psalms 71.9.

Difficult times have come to our world, as is the coronavirus which has impacted the entire planet. The impact of coronavirus is so huge that borders have closed, quarantined population,  impacted the economy, and leaders who no longer know what to do. Quarantine is a shocking factor in the lives of many people, so much so that we have forgotten the loneliness that an epidemic causes in our world. Loneliness is not an event that only impacts older people but also our teenagers and young people. Perhaps, no one has stopped to look for a moment and see the suicide rate or the isolation rate that causes loneliness in the lives of many? Continue reading “Loneliness, the 21st century epidemic at the time of the coronavirus pandemic”