Let It Go

Therefore, we too, having such a great cloud of witnesses around us, let us strip ourselves of all weight and of the sin that besieges us, and let us run with patience the race that lies ahead. Hebrews 12:1

Many times we cling to the material, to people and to so many things that over time our spirit and our peace of mind deteriorate. 2022 has already started, it’s time to make changes, it’s time to let go and let go. There are events that are no longer within our controls but of our God. It’s time to stop and ask yourself… Continue reading “Let It Go”

Raise your hands and claim what is yours

And the Lord said to Joshua, Do not be afraid of them; for I have delivered them into your hand, and none of them will prevail before you. Joshua 10: 8

Many times we have gone through difficult times. We have lost jobs, broken marriages, children in some kind of drugs, loss of home, constant calls from creditors and so much more. Today, God reminds us to do like Joshua, to do like Abraham, to do like King David, to do like King Solomon and many other people who believed God. They raised their hands in the presence of God and claimed what belonged to them. Continue reading “Raise your hands and claim what is yours”