Loneliness, the 21st century epidemic at the time of the coronavirus pandemic

Do not reject me in the time of old age; do not forsake me when I lack strength. Psalms 71.9.

Difficult times have come to our world, as is the coronavirus which has impacted the entire planet. The impact of coronavirus is so huge that borders have closed, quarantined population,  impacted the economy, and leaders who no longer know what to do. Quarantine is a shocking factor in the lives of many people, so much so that we have forgotten the loneliness that an epidemic causes in our world. Loneliness is not an event that only impacts older people but also our teenagers and young people. Perhaps, no one has stopped to look for a moment and see the suicide rate or the isolation rate that causes loneliness in the lives of many? Continue reading “Loneliness, the 21st century epidemic at the time of the coronavirus pandemic”