
Serve the LORD with fear; and rejoice with trembling. Psalm 2:11.

For several days our land of Puerto Rico trembles. But, not only Puerto Rico trembles, there are several places that have been impacted by earthquakes, volcanoes, climatic changes, rumors of war among other events that have impacted the normality of people’s daily lives. Some people staring at the glass of water, many do not sleep, many stop doing their normal life because fear has reached their lives. The question is, who have we trusted? Continue reading “Trembling”

I hear you

Then you will call on me, and come to pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12.

I was recently speaking with my pastor about the script of Jesus in the boat and the storm (St. Mark 4: 35-41). We talked about Jesus entering the boat who came from long hours carrying the message to his people and even healing the sick people. Imagine a construction worker who spends many hours in the sun and working hard,, when he arrives at his house he requires to take a break since what awaits him is another day of hard work. Well, when Jesus entered the boat to cross to the other side, we imagined Continue reading “I hear you”


“always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20

Thanksgiving is celebrated this week for many countries. History teaches us that this commemoration was celebrated in gratitude for a good harvest so all families and friends gather to thank God for the food and for all the blessings received during this time. Continue reading “Giving THANKS”