Value life

Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher; vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Ecclesiastes 1: 2

Recently, I went out for a walk in the city and decided to see how the current market is after a pandemic. To my surprise, there were people standing in long lines to enter the different shops. Wow! How it is possible that after a pandemic where we have been locked up for so long, the lines were not for Continue reading “Value life”

Blessings for obedience

The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. Deuteronomy 28:13.

My dear friends, many times we forget the promises that God has made us when we are obedient to his commandments. I was recently reading this biblical passage that I want to share with you. Continue reading “Blessings for obedience”

Overcoming depression

Answer me quickly, O Lord, for my spirit fails; Don’t hide your face from me May I not be similar to those who go down to the grave. Psalm 143: 7.

Many times we want to have a change in our lives, change our altered state, tension, disturbance, and even our physical state where many times it causes a headache, stomach pain or unjustified fatigue. Today, we bring you a solution, Jesus arranged for us to be filled with life and we can have a mind in the flow of the mind of Jesus. I was reading the book The Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer What are the steps to overcome depression? And one of the steps is to think positive things. Continue reading “Overcoming depression”

The Water Lily

See how the flowers of the field grow. They don’t work to make her dress. But I assure you, not even King Solomon, in all his glory, dressed like one of them. Luke 12:27.

The water lily is an aquatic flowering plant that grows in lakes, ponds, swamps, or slow-flowing streams. It is there when the oxygen level is low and the conditions are not ideal is where the water lily expresses all its majesty. This flower is considered as a symbol of the transmutation of human suffering into enlightenment. They say that this flower reminds us that even in the midst of dirt and chaos, the being of light that we carry within can flourish in each one. Continue reading “The Water Lily”


The hope that is delayed makes the heart sick, but the wish fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12

Life brings us processes that we are disappointed with over time. Decisions that can bring us consequences that over time we feel frustrated. How good it is to know that there is hope and that everything has a solution. Continue reading “Disappointment”

The envy

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and cleanse them from all evil.” 1 John 1: 9.

We live in a world that envy flourishes like the flowers of the field. Times that people stop being themselves to desire what others are or have. We want the neighbor’s things without even being able to bear our own expenses. They live in appearance. They begin to slander their neighbor just by seeing their neighbor succeed. Have you not lived that situation? Continue reading “The envy”

That is God …

Beloved, let us love one another; because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love has not known God; because God is love. 1 John 4: 7-8.

I was reading a message in which he does not have the name of the writer, and I want to share this message, That is God … Continue reading “That is God …”

Ese es Dios…

Amados, amémonos unos a otros; porque el amor es de Dios. Todo aquel que ama, es nacido de Dios, y conoce a Dios.  El que no ama, no ha conocido a Dios; porque Dios es amor. 1 Juan 4:7-8.
Estuve leyendo un mensaje en el cual no tiene el nombre del escritor, y deseo compartir este mensaje, Ese es Dios… Continue reading “Ese es Dios…”