Friendship prevails

Greater love has no one than this, which one lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

My dear friends many times we think that time has passed and when we meet again it is as if we had never been apart. We’ve been through good and bad moments. The distance has not been an obstacle to maintain this relationship as unique. We know that life goes on and each of us will have our own destiny. But, no matter what that destiny is, God has allowed us to stay together. Today I want to share that friendship relationship of our God in John 15: 9-17 Continue reading “Friendship prevails”

Friendship with God

The LORD detests these wicked people; instead, he offers his friendship to the righteous. Proverbs 3:32

Each of us is responsible for who we decide to have as friends. Once you choose your friend. We have to work to keep that relationship cultivated. Therefore, it requires that both parties have time, have confidence, and create a sincere bond within that friendship relationship. Therefore, friendship is not from one side but from both. Continue reading “Friendship with God”