Friendship with God

The LORD detests these wicked people; instead, he offers his friendship to the righteous. Proverbs 3:32

Each of us is responsible for who we decide to have as friends. Once you choose your friend. We have to work to keep that relationship cultivated. Therefore, it requires that both parties have time, have confidence, and create a sincere bond within that friendship relationship. Therefore, friendship is not from one side but from both. Continue reading “Friendship with God”

La Amistad con Dios

El Señor detesta a esa gente perversa; en cambio, ofrece su amistad a los justos. Proverbios 3:32

Cada uno de nosotros somos responsables a quien decidimos tener como amigos. Una vez eliges a tu amigo. Tenemos que trabajar para mantener cultivada esa relación. Por lo que, requiere que ambas partes tengan tiempo, tengan confianza, y crear un vínculo sincero dentro de esa relación de amistad. Es por ello que la amistad no es de una sola parte sino de ambos. Continue reading “La Amistad con Dios”

Future unknown

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
This year that has begun, is one that we declare a time full of blessings. Perhaps for many of us wishes that this year has not begun since there are rumors of war, the earth groans, drastic climatic changes, hunger in many countries, political conflicts and so many things that our human mind cannot understand. But, with respect to life, it is not to jump high but to walk straight when we touch the ground. Continue reading “Future unknown”


Wisdom and science are given to you; and I will also give you riches, goods, and glory, as the kings who have been before you never had, nor will those who come after you have. 2 Chronicles 1:12

I remember a story where a man asked God for wisdom, he didn’t ask for riches, he didn’t ask for health, just wisdom. I think this man was smart from the beginning. Continue reading “Wisdom”


Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the north. Job 37: 9

A season of the year has arrived, the cold. Many of us began to take clothes from our closet. Others begin to prepare for the holidays. So many things happen when there is cold. Continue reading “COLD”

Self-confidence and false security

“ But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”. Luke 22:32

Many times we have believed that we can solve everything, that we can do it, that we can do it with our own strength, to the point that we think we are so sure of what we say. But, the time comes that we do like Peter (disciple of Jesus). Who thought he was not going to deny Jesus even in difficult times. Continue reading “Self-confidence and false security”

Among Lions

So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions’ den. The king said to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you! Daniel 6:16.

How many times have we been in the lion’s den? Lion’s den? The lion’s den is where many of us have found ourselves, such as work situations, family, financial situations, children, parents, health, and so many other things that only you know and you think there is no solution. It is, therefore, that many times we feel that we have lost hope and have found ourselves with no solution or alternatives of being able to
leave the lion’s den. Who is that lion in your life? What or who caused you to be in the den? Continue reading “Among Lions”


So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known. Matthew 10:26 (NIV).

Afraid, how many have we felt panic or fear of something that could happen something bad? Fear can be triggered to such an extreme that it causes anxiety, insecurity, and leads us to react to such an extreme that we hide, we dare not face the situation or even the person. Continue reading “Afraid”