
{In this renewal} there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian (one who was not Greek, neither by birth nor by culture), Scythian, slave or free, but Christ (the Messiah) It is everything and in all. Colossians 3:11

For many years there has been a diversity of cultures and traditions. The beauty of the diversity of cultures is that we learn to respect ourselves as we are and learn something different every day. The diversity of cultures is what distinguishes each individual, but without losing the essence of who we are. Continue reading “Culture”


{En esta renovación} no hay {distinción entre} Griego y Judío, circunciso e incircunciso, bárbaro (uno que no era Griego, ni por nacimiento ni por cultura), Escita, esclavo {o} libre, sino que Cristo (el Mesías) es todo, y en todos. Colosenses 3:11

Desde muchos años ha existido una diversidad de culturas y tradiciones. Lo hermoso de la diversidad de culturas es que aprendemos a respetarnos tal cual somos y aprendemos cada día algo diferente. La diversidad de culturas es lo que distingue a cada individuo, pero sin perder la esencia de quienes somos. Continue reading “Cultura”