
Consider the lilies, how they grow; they do not work or rotate; But I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory dressed like one of these. Luke 12:27

Flowers dress nature in colors. Colors that there is no way to assimilate those colors with the colors that man tries to imitate. Continue reading “Flowers”

Calm! Do not be afraid

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Calm down! It’s me. Don’t be afraid. Saint Matthew 14:27

Recalling Peter’s passage when he asked Jesus to allow him to walk on water, he step out of the boat obeying Jesus’ command. This event required faith. Looking at this scenario, we see that Peter made a mistake. What was that mistake? Continue reading “Calm! Do not be afraid”

Apparent chaos

And rising up, he rebuked the wind, and said to the sea: Hush, be silent. And the wind ceased, and a great calm. Mark 4:39

Everything seems to be in chaos, but it is not until we calm down that we can see and hear what is around us. When we are still, we feel peace and harmony. The world continues to spin. We do not feel when the world turns but, although we do not feel or see anything, everything continues and tomorrow is another day. What awaits us in the future? Continue reading “Apparent chaos”

Coronavirus (CODVI-19): Let’s keep calm and faith

He said to them: «I am the Lord your God. If you listen to my voice and do what I consider fair, and if you follow my laws and commandments, I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon the Egyptians. I am the Lord, who restores your health ». (Exodus 15:26).

We all thought that perhaps this coronavirus was going to stay in a specific place and perhaps we thought that it would not touch us. But, the truth is, Continue reading “Coronavirus (CODVI-19): Let’s keep calm and faith”