Because: He who wants to love life and see good days, restrain his tongue of evil, And his lips do not speak deceit; He turn away from evil, and do good; Look for peace and follow it. 1 Peter 3: 10-11.

Life is full of both good and bad circumstances. Time is transforming us. But the most important thing is that we have decided to give ourselves the opportunity to explore who we really are and that we are different from others. We have virtues as defects, but you are still you and not the other. Continue reading “LIFE”

Believe in you

I have already ordered it: Be strong and brave! Do not be afraid or discouraged! Because the Lord your God will accompany you wherever you go. Josue 1: 9

There are times that we stop believing in ourselves. But, I want to remind you that you are special. You are unique and you have something special that no one has but only you. Therefore, believe in your power. Continue reading “Believe in you”