
That’s why I advise you to take food, because this is necessary to survive. Because not a single hair of the head of any of you will perish. Acts 27:34

Life is not about who wins, but about who survives the circumstances. I remember the biblical story of David (Book of 1 Samuel 16 through 1 Kings 2), who was anointed as a child to be the King of the people of Israel. But, that did not imply that he became King overnight. David fought with lions, fought with giants, was persecuted, fell in the lowest passions, and so many other things. But, what kept David on his feet was that each day of his life the love for his God, his faith, and the continuous forgiveness for his sins
led David to survive in a world full of so many complexities of that era until finally he survived everything and became King of Israel.

We have also been warriors like David. Standing in continuous struggle, when we think that everything is over, a new chapter is written in our book of life. We change many times the page, but there is something in this universe that keeps saying us, “you have not finished yet”. Really? And we question, when all these things will end? When we think we won, we start again with a new challenge, challenges of unemployment, divorce, family, illness, finances, and many other things that we sometimes say when this will be finished?

Our arms get tired in the middle of the battle, our faith diminishes in the middle of the storm, thoughts of all kinds come to our mind, the past torments us and even our present tells us we cannot make it. I’m already tired! Oh, dear friend, I have sad news that we may not like, the enemy knows that you are a powerful person, which you are a resilient, that you are a survivor and even more so that the enemy knows that you have the power to break with the darkness. The enemy, the devil, knows very well that you are light in the midst of circumstances. The enemy knows that you are a powerful being full of so many virtues that he wants to overshadow your positive thoughts in negative thoughts.

When you get up in the war of valley with your white flag, you are saying to the enemy I have conquered more land today, I do not know how much longer I am waiting to conquer the world but every piece of land I step on, I raised it in the name of Jesus Christ declaring victory. Because, today more than ever, I stand up like a survivor who won one of the battles against the enemy. Friend, not only a victory awaits you but many victories of power and conquests.

When will you expect to use your spiritual gifts, gifts of healing, that before you pray and ask the Almighty God and the sick ones healed? When do you expect to activate the word of faith and hope for the one who calls you when they need it the most? When and where do you expect to give a hug, just a hug is enough that more than a thousand words to convey the energy that you carry in you. You are a being of light, a being that the redemptive blood of God cleansed and healed. And, that is why today we declare that you are a survivor and that circumstances do not stop you until you get your reign in this universe that God has prepared for people like you and me who survive the different circumstances of life. Get up with your white flag and raised it on the ground you step on. You are a survivor!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me because I have sinned against you. Today, I want to recognize that your precious blood is the only one that can redeem me from my sin. I want to confess to the world that I want you to be my God and my Savior. Today, I open my heart because without you, my God, I am nothing. For everything I have and everything I am I owe to you, because you, my God, have never stopped helping me. Every battle I have won I owe to you and your great power, mercy, and love. Help me to be faithful to you and not look back, because the past has already happened and today I am a man and / or a new woman in you. Amen,

A Friendly Advice

Today, stand on your enemy’s head. Declare with your lips, with your voice, with your hands, with your body, with everything you have that you are a spiritual warrior. And that nothing and nobody will stop the love of God be reflected in you.

Friend, today is a day to stand up, it depends on you, to make the decision to continue crying or take the tools of the word of God, prayer and fasting again for your home, for your finances, for everything that you propose for this New Year that starts. It is never too late to start one more day in the Lord Jesus. Amen.