Stop and listen through the silence

In God alone my soul is silenced; From him comes my salvation. Psalm 62: 1

The pandemic was a pause for many, but within this pause, the day to day has become chaos … We work at home, school at home, do the housework, take care of children and so many other additional functions which were added to the home. There is no silence anymore, we became more stressed and so busy that we forgot to listen to our inner voice.

It is time to stop and be silent. I know that every day that passes it seems that our life is like an automatic car. We are so busy that we lose perspective of what is happening around us. So much so that we cannot hear what God has to say to us. Our world is in chaos, but that does not mean you should be. It is time to stop and listen to what the Spirit of God wants to speak to you.

We make decisions so quickly that we forget to stop, reflect, consult, and wait for the answer that will lead you to make the best decision. Within this silence we learn to value the blessings that God has prepared for us. Blessings of work, family, friends, health, and many other things that nature gives us every day. Let us not lose that blessing because of the day-to-day eagerness. Stop and listen in silence to what is in your life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I stand before your presence to ask you to help guide my life towards the purpose you have for me. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is important that we take some time to evaluate what is happening to us. Stop and evaluate. Do not make quick decisions. Seek help. And above all, look for direction in the bible and pray that the decision you choose is more correct. How will you know that it is correct? Well, you will have inner peace.