Show Me The Way

Make me hear your mercy in the morning, because I trust you; show me the way I must walk, because to you I lift my soul. Psalm 143: 8

Through time, many of us wait, listen, meditate, seek recommendations, and so many other things before deciding. But, on the other hand, there are many of us who act without thinking about the consequences, instead we jump into the unknown without taking precautions and do not measure the consequences of those hasty decisions. Then, we wonder what would have happened if I had done this or that?

Sometimes we have felt that urge to do something immediately, sometimes we despair in the processes, we think and even dream what would X or Y event it would cause in our lives. But we forget that we must learn to listen to the voice of God and learn to wait for the right moment. How to know that it is the perfect moment? When those doors open without pushing them. When everything arises smoothly, and we are even surprised if it is a dream. Well, the wait was worth it because it was not in my time but in the perfect time of the divine order.

My dear friends, let us not despair, because despair causes anxiety, spiritual deafness, and we even embark on an adventure without measuring consequence affecting the divine plan that God has alienated in your life. Listening to the divine voice makes us mature, enables us, and takes us to the place that you have never thought to arrive. Well, our thoughts are limited, but when we place that waiting in the hands of God, it elevates us to the highest place reaching the plan that God has always wanted for your life. Listen carefully to the voice of God before making a decision.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness if at any time my decisions have affected the divine plan. Help me to listen to your voice and to fully trust you. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, society often urges us to take immediate action. But it is time to stop and learn to listen to the voice of God in all your plans. Well, God is never late. There is a perfect order in God’s plans. Pray, read the word, and set aside a time of fasting and prayer with God. Let us learn to listen in silence as it is in the whisper of the wind.