“RUNNING AFTER THE BALL, do you dare?”

1 Corinthians 9:24
24 Do you not know that all those who run in a race run, but one receives the prize? So run, that you may obtain it.

I’m not a fan of sports, but recently while doing my exercises (walking, I recommend to walk at least 15-30 minutes a day or at least 3 to 4 times a week) I watched some volleyball players play. The interesting thing about the game was that both teams looked tired and when the ball fell only one player ran after the ball. Interesting? Only one went out to look for the ball.

When reflecting on this event, it is observed that everyone plays the game, but only one keeps running after the ball. What does this mean? Everyone is tired, but there is one who has enough energy to run after the ball. Only one goes out, the others dissimulate since they look tired and fatigued.

Many times our lives go on the path or walk trying to keep playing the game of society, work, tasks, worries, routines, marketing and many other things. However, there is always someone who stops, looks beyond and seeks the solution.

When our strengths are exhausted, do not stop, keep running that there is a solution to your situation. You just have to run at the feet of Jesus, who is the ball of your life. Run ! Do not let lose the ball, do not hesitate no matter how tired you are, run after Jesus and win the game of your life. Do you dare to run after the ball? What are you waiting for?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord, Jesus, I open my heart to ask for your forgiveness. Today, my legs and my body are tired and fatigued by so many events in my life. With my strength, it is impossible to continue and I stop before the circumstances of life. Lord, what would be of me, if I do not run at your feet? I want to run to your presence and humble myself before you. I want to win the game of life, but I recognize that I win if I have you. You are my God and before you I am. Give me the strength, health and wisdom to continue in your walk and win the game of eternal salvation. Amen.

A friendly advice

When you think you cannot continue, STOP for a moment. Seek help, take refuge in the word (Bible) and pray.

It is wise to evaluate your priorities and ask for help from someone who can help you. Examples: On a Saturday, look for a nanny to help you with the children and take a walk ( a date) with your partner. At work, ask a colleague to help you or recommend ideas on how to improve or organize your priorities. If you have elderly people living with you or sick people, in the churches there are always volunteer people who can help you with the tasks of your home. Remember that you are not alone, you can win the game of your life.