Resisting the bad day

Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, so you will be able to resist in the bad day, and having finished everything, stand firm. Ephesians 6:13

As time goes by we reflect on what we did or stopped doing. We reflect on our families, children, parents, school or studies, work, and many other things. When we reflect on certain events that marked our lives, we realize that many things were pleasant, comfortable, good, and full of laughter and so many things that when thinking about it, it puts a smile on our face. On the other hand, reflecting on the things that hurt us and that left traces in our lives make us say “I would have done it this way”, “I would have said this” or “what happened to me?” Among other things. These are questions that make us feel upset and pain. But, what about all this pain that I carry inside?

With time and maturity, we know that there were events that due to lack of experiences affected us in our life career. Perhaps there were selfish, envious people, full of evil or people who first me and then the world which caused that perhaps at some point we lost the horizon or the perspective of life. Life is not a race but of who reaches the goal. Man or society dictates what is good for you but, the truth is that you choose the course to reach your final destination. Therefore, that final destination must be physical, emotional, and spiritual peace. Sometimes, society criticizes you and tells you that you are dumb, that people have abused you, they give you hurtful names or bully you which in silence you suffer. What can I do to heal my past, to heal my heart and forget?

Forgetting is impossible, but healing is possible. When we forgive ourselves and forgive those who offend us, we win the battle of the mind. We begin to make a change of mentality. Well, forgiving does not mean forgetting but, it is a decision that we will have to make even when we feel pain and disappointment. We say to the world thanks for allowing us to live those painful experiences because today my maturity history is written in another way. Remembering from time to time, it will make us strong because we don’t fall back into the trap that dictates the world. Experiences that we can tell so that others are not hurt. Always remembering that it is not worth paying the other person with evil but with the good because with good you say to that person thanks to you I am happy and I take the path that God really wanted for me.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if I have allowed my past to torment me. Forgive me if I have forgotten that you are my healer and provider. Thank you for recognizing that you are the God of justice and nothing happens if you don’t allow it. Thank you for your protection. Amen.

 Friendly advice

My dear friends, when writing this I remember a friend who wrote all his frustrations about his job’s life and that is good. But, now what do I do with all this? Who helps me erase or heal these emotions? My friends, life is not based on work only but, that you have peace in all your emotional, physical and spiritual areas. Who can restore all your life is Jesus.

Therefore, I recommend the following:

    1. Write everything you feel and frustrate or annoy, that’s healthy
    2. Read it out loud.
    3. Say how you feel.
    4. Say you forgive everyone whoever hurt you.
    5. Forgive yourself.
    6. Let it go, burn the paper.
    7. Evaluate your present.
    8. Give thanks to God because today you are a successful, healthy person, and that your emotions do not govern you. Therefore, God rules you and you allow God to take control of your life.
    9. Love and give others that love that God gives you today.
    10. God bless you in all your ways.
    11. Seek help, remember that you are not alone.
    12. Remember, do not look back because everything is already salt, and walk towards the new and unknown path, trusting that God is in control of everything.
    13. Rest and live fully.