
For he who is blessed on earth, he will be blessed by the God of truth; and he who swears on earth, he will swear by the God of truth; because the first anxieties have been forgotten, and because they are hidden from my eyes. For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind. Isaiah 65: 16-17

Holidays are approaching and the farewell of one more year. Times that we reflect on good and bad moments. Times to reflect. What awaits us tomorrow? What are the wishes for a new year? There are many things we want, but what will suit us better, time will tell.

As we remember about the events of our lives, there are many things that we live for which we laugh and cry. We laugh, because maybe there was a good job, a child was born, marriage, surprises that motivate us to move forward, health, family, and many other good things. But, also, there are memories of sad things such as the pandemic, unemployment, death, illness, and many other things that made us cry. But you know my dear friends despite the joys or sorrows we have remained standing. Well, circumstances have made us strong.

We are resilient. We are beings that God has allowed us to live and experience ups and downs but with the certainty that He has given us the power to stand upright in victory. Victory… as in any battle that has been won. This has been our triumphs and failures to remind us that there is nothing impossible for God. We give thanks that we are alive to remember that we are alive and there is hope.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence thanking you for the time we live. How good it is to know that your love and mercy was always with us. Thank you. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I want to thank you sincerely for allowing me to share this blog. Thank you for the time you have dedicated, and I hope it has been a blessing in your lives.

Remember that you are resilient.