Religiosity or Jesus

That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: John 1: 9-12.

A very difficult subject to digest by many people, religiosity or Jesus. Today we live in a versatile, different, and changing world. People seek something that fills them in all their aspects such as mental, emotional, and spiritual spheres. We live in a world full of so many religions that often confuse the individual for the versatility of religious laws that men impose here on earth. But, I wonder if those religions follow Jesus, His teachings, and why Jesus came into the world or they follow religious laws created by themselves?

Religious laws that marginalize the human being for their ideas, for their way of dressing, for their way of combing their hair, for their way of sharing in the society and for many other things that for me have no logic or reason to be. I am a Christian and I serve and follow Jesus. I follow Jesus, who loved me and died on the cross for all my sins. I follow Jesus who does not see my imperfections. I follow Jesus who does not criticize me. I follow Jesus who sat down and shared the table with sinners (Mark 2:15). I follow Jesus who was invited to a wedding where there was alcohol (John 2: 1-12). I follow Jesus who loved the woman when everyone despised her for being an adulteress (John 8: 1-11), for being a Samaritan woman (John 4), for being sick or unclean (Luke 8: 43-18), He did not care about the current condition. I follow Jesus who loves me as I am.

Many people say they serve Jesus, but they do not participate in the table where those who do not serve their God. Many people claim to serve Jesus and pass by the side of the sick or helpless. Many of them say to serve Jesus, but they dare not visit the bar or the brothel where there is so much need. Many people say they love Jesus and do not attend a non-religious event because what others will say. Many people say they love Jesus, but do not visit the sick person. Many people claim to love Jesus and despise the one who is not equal to them. Many people say they love Jesus and do not share with others because they are not of the same religion. Many people say they love Jesus and criticize and gossip their brothers/sisters and friends. Many people say they love Jesus, but spend their money in religiosity and not in the need of humanity. Many people say they serve Jesus, but they want people to follow their religiosity and not Jesus. Sad reality!

What do we expect in a world full of versatility, where Jesus only came to this world to look for those who had been lost. Jesus only came to love us in its totality to the extreme that He shared with the sinner, gave his life for me and for you. There should be no religiosity, only Jesus. Where for Jesus, we are all his children, where He does not distinguish race, color or sex but pure hearts in front of his presence, repentant hearts and with a desire to be followers of Jesus and not a religiosity.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to be like you, Jesus and learn to love like you, Jesus. I do not want to have religiosity but a heart ready to be an imitator of you, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to break with religious mentality or patterns. It is time to follow the teachings of Jesus and be imitators of Jesus. See your neighbor as yourself, see your neighbor through the eyes of Jesus. Share with them, whoever they are. Be light!