
Because I know very well the plans that I have for you – affirms the Lord – plans of well-being and not of calamity, in order to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Time has passed, the circumstances are different and life is not the same as the world evolves according to time. What did I do during this year? And, what do I stop doing? These are questions that many of us ask ourselves for this end of the year. We reflect …

We reflect … on the family.
We reflect … on our work.
We reflect … on friends.
We reflect … on loved ones who are no longer in this world with us.
We reflect … on words we said or did not said.
We reflect … on acts of kindness and goodness that we stopped doing or did.
We reflect … on things we stop doing and those we did.
We reflect … on people who are no longer by our side.
We reflect … if God has been in this whole matter.
We reflect … if our children ever valued the sacrifice we made.
We reflect … on health.
We reflect … on life.
We reflect … on the current world and its circumstances.
We reflect … on politics and religion.
We reflect … if the Church of God is still alive in the midst of tribulation.
We reflect … on our finances.
We reflect … if humanity continues with the values ​​and virtues before a society full of technology.
We reflect …

What is your reflection on this past year? It is not a time for regrets. It is time to reflect positively and make changes in our lives of things that we can improve. By reflecting we can see the things and circumstances of our lives differently. If your family is not in harmony, what can we do to have the family together? If you do not have a job, what can we do to get another job? If you are alone, what can we do to share with other people? If in your finances you are not able to do more and you are on the verge of despair, what can we do to seek help? If … what are you going to do to have a change of mentality and perspective on your life? Regrets and finding guilty is not the solution. It is time to give your life a chance to see your life from the eyes of God. God’s eyes? Yes, see life with love, peace, harmony, joy, faith, freedom, mercy, meekness and above all that we are all the same and we are not different.

This year that goes, let it go, and receive this new year with the desire to create something different, to make a change that makes a difference in your life and that of other people. Above all, love yourself and love your life to the fullest. Well, you are an extraordinary being and like you there is no other equal. God give you the wisdom and health to continue with your new goals for a year that begins. God bless you!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if during this year that has passed or is about to happen, I sank into my regret and did not react to the circumstances of life. Today, I ask you that this new year I can see my life and of this world through your eyes. Give me the wisdom and health to be the person you want me to be, Jesus. I ask in your name, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I want to thank you sincerely for sharing this year with me through my blog. I hope it has been a blessing for many lives.

Taking time to reflect is healthy because we think about the things we can improve. It is not to lament but to not make the same mistakes. Also, it is time to make a new plan and add those things we leave pending.

My dear friends, may this new year that begins be one of blessing in your life. Pray, ask God for all your plans and goals. Do not leave God out of them because God will give you the wisdom and tools necessary to complete them. Moreover, if these plans are not possible, it is because is still not convenient. Do not lose hope, there is a new year full of new opportunities. Happy New Year!