Reflection in the middle of COVID-19

“The Lord blesses you and keeps you; the Lord looks at you with pleasure and extends his love to you; the Lord shows you his favor and grants you peace”. Numbers 6: 24-26.

Reflecting on these times of quarantine during this COVID-19, I see that life is like a circle, it has no beginning or end, it just spins and spins, which is how life is. Nothing stops, time continues, some are born others die. Like nature continues the course and nothing stops nature to continue. In these times of quarantine we think we are stagnating, but the truth is not so.

Being quarantined makes me reflect on how many beautiful things we stop valuing because of our daily life. And now that there is time we waste it on nonsense, which steals our energy and there is no abundance in it. Sometimes we waste time on social networks that do not bring anything of well-being to our lives and we spend time with the loved one who is by your side. Because we are involved in trivial things, we stop seeing what surrounds us, such as the sky, the sea, the tree, the flowers, the singing of birds and the feeling of the heat of the sun that reminds us that we are alive.

In this quarantine, I have learned to forgive value, respect, and love the human being. No matter ideology, social class, race or color, this pandemic makes us value all those around us more. It is time to heal wounds; it is time to love everyone as if you were yourself. It is time to break with old customs and teachings in order to raise your consciousness to another dimension. A new dimension where you can connect your being to I AM. Do not fear the new; accept and expand your truth. By accepting your truth, you break free from old bandages and enter that new dimension called LIGHT.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence recognizing that you are the great I AM and the Light that illuminates my path. Today, I want you to be in my life to enter another new dimension. I ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, in these quarantine days it is time to break old patterns. Those patterns such as physical and verbal abuse, hatred or rancor that you carry, and so many other things from a past that hurts your life; and does not allow you to continue. Today, I want you to make a decision to forgive yourself and all those who have wronged you. Leave justice in the hands of God. Only you trust in the power and protection of God over your life and yours.

Even if you are quarantined and understand that there is some abusive behavior, seek help, call 911 or any emergency number base on your country. Remember you are not alone.