
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all evil. 1 John 1: 9

Recognizing our virtues is so easy, but when we undertake the task of diagnosing where the fault is, it is difficult. So difficult it is that we cannot do it by ourselves. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the doctor or the workshop of an expert in the field to repair or find where is the pain that torments us and kills us bit by bit. The sad thing is that we die without knowing what the diagnosis of the failure was.

When we allow ourselves to start or give ourselves a chance, that’s when we start giving our hearts a chance. It is important to recognize that to heal wounds we must begin to recognize our inner self. Recognize that we have needs and allow others to extend their helping hand to help us. But, above all, we must allow ourselves to forgive ourselves, learn to love ourselves and to value who we are.

When you choose to give yourself a chance at life, you will see that there is something beyond that your physical eyes cannot see. When you allow the light to enter, you will see that the darkness ceases to be. When you allow your inner warrior to emerge victorious in the face of any battle, it is then that you will see that it is easy to find your weaknesses to begin to strengthen those areas that so much need help. But, above all, you have found God’s provision in your life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence recognizing that without your forgiveness and love I am nothing. I recognize that I need you and that with you I can open my heart so you can be the surgeon par excellence. Heal my most intimate wounds and put a seal of love on those wounds. I ask this in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is good to know that we are not perfect. That we are human beings with many situations and that we have fallen many times. But, as we fall we rise to continue or embark on a new course. A course of experiences to fall back into the same. One case is important my dear friends, it is to learn to know that we are wrong, that we have weak points, and that we need help to face and learn to strengthen ourselves day by day. Remember to pray and read the bible. Take refuge in the arms of God. Seek help from someone who can help you in your situation. Remember that you are not alone.