They do not say to themselves, ‘Let us fear the Lord our God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest.’ Jeremiah 5:24

The rain… drops that fall on the zinc roof like an instrument that relaxes our mind and body. The rain … that falls on our nature and cleans our roads. The rain … that tells us to protect ourselves. The rain … that falling on us is like a balm that cleanses and purifies us. For many of us, the rain may be an impediment to doing many things. But seeing the rain reminds us how our fields are fed to give fruit to our crops. Our rivers and lakes flow cleaning our waters. The rainbow rises to remind us of the promise that our planet will not be submerged by water. Therefore, we remember the majesty of the rain that it brings to our lives.

The atmospheric conditions vary according to the place, but there is one important thing that does not discriminate race, color, or culture. When the rain falls it prepares us to remind ourselves that we must take shelter, that we must clean ourselves and that we have to relax to see life from another perspective and not everything that happens is because of evil but because a blessing flows.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus may your spirit be like the rain on my life. Refresh me, cleanse me, and purify me so that my life flows like the river and that I can be immersed in you. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friend, there is a time that our lives must be evaluated. There are things to clean and there are times that we must continue. Let God work in our lives like the rain that falls and cleanses.