Puerto Rico, for the love of ten

Then he said, “May the LORD not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?” He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it. Genesis 18:32.

Thanks to God’s love and mercy, today, July 25, 2019, Puerto Rico celebrates a victory. A victory suffered by many people over the course of several days. People who are parents, women, youth, children, and our relatives who suffered the loss of a loved one and even their belongings after Hurricane Maria. Many had their identity, their personal and professional situation hurt. But, the important thing about this victory was that during the battle not only the country suffered but also our leaders because like them and we are beings with defects and virtues. These leaders are children, they are parents, siblings, they are friends, and they are family. Therefore, we cannot forget that we are all human beings that are full of imperfections.

For a long time, there has been warning of so much corruption and the people tolerating, until the glass spilled the drop. But, did we have to wait for the drop to be spilled to take action as a country? Perhaps many did not have the support, perhaps many did not have the strength, perhaps many thought that God looked away from Puerto Rico, and many others perhaps … Today, Puerto Rico does not celebrate the defeat of a leader or leaders but celebrates the constitutional democracy of a free country that strongly believes in promoting general well-being and guaranteeing human rights. That before the law all men/women are equal. There is no discrimination based on race, color, sex, birth, social origin, and political or religious ideals. Therefore, that is why Puerto Rico celebrates the freedom we have under the Puerto Rico Constitution.

Puerto Rico, in which a lamb appears on the shield, which for us symbolizes the Lamb of God, and under the lamb is a book that protrudes the 7 seals described in the Apocalypse. Also, we can observe a series of components in which there is one that appears the cross of Jerusalem, which is gold on a silver field and symbol of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. It is not a casualty that God loves Puerto Rico. But, it is time my dear friends, that we have sincere and repentant hearts in the presence of God.

In recent years, Puerto Rico has suffered, has been deceived, has gone bankrupt, has gone through natural disasters, has gone through corruption, and so many other things that Puerto Rico has suffered. These were some signs of a town that was asleep and has now awakened. A town that still has militant people in prayer and fasting, people who love God and Puerto Rico. People who ask God for mercy, mercy for Puerto Rico to rise to a new awakening and to recognize that it happens is not by the earthly man but by men and women who cry out loudly for mercy and forgiveness over Puerto Rico.

On the other hand, there are many people who talk about disasters within Puerto Rico, I know that God gives warnings, but we forget that God was going to forgive Sodom and Gomorrah by finding ten or more crying out, praying and asking for forgiveness. Therefore, God would not destroy them for the love of those ten. And, that is why I believe in a God of love and mercy for what God has seen righteous people and who still loves Him asking for mercy for Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is time to return your gaze to the lamb, the center of Puerto Rico so that as today you can continue celebrating victories and recognize that God is the one who must lead a country in all its facets. That the values and morals of a country are always present in their homes and as a people. But above all, may the love and mercy of God reign over their homes and Puerto Rico.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today we are before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me for having offended you, forgive me if we made fun or bully of our fellow man/woman, forgive me if I failed to make decisions, forgive me if at any time I have been the judge, forgive me. May you be my God in my home and in my country, may we be sensitive to hearing your voice. Forgive me and each of us, I ask in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to thank God for the care He has had on each of us. Attend a church, pray every day for the forgiveness and mercy for our people. Recognize that God is still God, and nothing happens except within his will. Pray for Puerto Rico because there are still things to do and rebuild. Also, pray for all countries that suffer from such political oppression, diseases, poverty, among other things.