Pray and fast for our men and boys

Today, September 30, 2018, I had a dream. God let me know that we have to pray for our men and boys. Dear friend, please take a moment during this month of October to pray for our men and boys. Do not take this as a  religion thing, is something that our country needs.

Ephesians 5:23 says…the husband is the head… Men are the head of a family, a business men, a father, a son, a grandson, a nephew, a friend, a boyfriend, a husband , and have many roles in this society.

It is time to meditate and take this month of October to pray and fast for our men’s wisdom, strength, love, kindness and to let God be their leader on their path and life.

If God is the center of their home, then will be easier to manage everything in your life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, we are before your presence asking for the men of our society and our boys. We ask you wholeheartedly to break any enemy attack that comes to disturb their mind and heart. Give them the wisdom they need to resist the enemy. Give them the necessary shields such as wisdom, strength, love, tolerance, endurance in order to manage their lives and their home. We ask everything in your name, amen.