
And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly [a]oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head. Mark 14: 3

The value of a perfume bottle, how much would you be willing to pay? Will it be based on size, brand, aroma or price? It all depends on you. It will depend on your tastes, the occasion or what is within the budget. The quality of the perfume is essential because we do not want an allergic reaction to our skin or disturb our scent to others. But, what motivates us to obtain such perfume?

Perfume has its main ingredient of alcohol or oil. Depending on the fragrance, there are other ingredients are added to give the aroma or color to the fragrance. By using the perfume on your skin you will feel how pleasant that aroma can be on you and others. Remembering the story of the bible about the woman who spilled her perfume on the body of Jesus, the disciples talked about the cost of that perfume so, the quality of that perfume perfumed the room since they could smell the fragrance of that perfume and could determine its market value. When comparing the perfume with the inner life, the inner life is a reflection of that pleasant perfume which is valuable to society. The perfume is honesty, temperance, meekness, love, patience, words of comfort and blessing come out of your mouth, among other virtues. From you emanates a pleasant perfume in which many people want to be close to you.

When we obtain the main ingredient that is Jesus, the other ingredient is our being, and the other compounds are based on our values will begin to emanate an extraordinary fragrance. A fragrance that no one will stop talking about because when you get to the room everyone will notice that you arrived, therefore, you emanate a fragrance different from the others. Your perfume is unique, don’t let anyone contaminate it.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want you to dwell in my heart like the perfume of my whole being. I ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to re-evaluate our inner being. What bothers us? What can we do to improve my current state? Everything will depend on you.

Seeking help is brave. Remember that you are not alone.