And there is no created thing hidden from their sight, but all things are uncovered and naked before the eyes of the one to whom we have to give an account. Acts 4:13

When the world screams chaos, there is an inner peace that tells me to be calm. How is this possible? Your physical eyes see natural disasters, wars, diseases and still I can feel calm. Is there a secret in this? Such confidence and serenity which is inexplicable for the human being but, when we are naked in his presence I can feel inner peace.

Naked in his presence, Jesus. He calms us down and indicates that there is peace in the midst of the storm. For the physical eye we can feel anguish, pain, and so many other negative things that even the earth trembles before the adversity that we have done as administrators of this world of the night, and still know that there is something beyond that awaits us.

In the restlessness of the night we get up. We think and meditate that there is a divine and inexplicable connection that even our selves cannot explain. I still write and it seems like a tongue twister, but our heart tells us peace. Peace, peace for I am.

Prayer: Open your heart 

Lord Jesus before your presence I ask that you give me the wisdom to be able to understand the mysteries of your power in me. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, to find this peace I only recommend entering the presence of our God. Pray, read the Bible, and seek help when you need it.