Overcoming depression

Answer me quickly, O Lord, for my spirit fails; Don’t hide your face from me May I not be similar to those who go down to the grave. Psalm 143: 7.

Many times we want to have a change in our lives, change our altered state, tension, disturbance, and even our physical state where many times it causes a headache, stomach pain or unjustified fatigue. Today, we bring you a solution, Jesus arranged for us to be filled with life and we can have a mind in the flow of the mind of Jesus. I was reading the book The Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer What are the steps to overcome depression? And one of the steps is to think positive things.

Many times negative thoughts come to us, but how good it is to know that we can win if we have the mind of Jesus. What will our thoughts be if we have the mind of Jesus? Well, they will surely be positive. God is positive, and if you and I want to flow with Him, we have to tune in to the same wavelength and start thinking positively. We are not talking about exercising mind control, but just being a positive person in everything. Have a positive look and attitude. Keep positive thoughts and expectations. Have positive conversations. Show a positive appearance and attitude. Jesus always displayed a positive appearance and attitude. Well, He endured many difficulties, including personal attacks; they slandered him; his disciples abandoned him when he most needed them; They made fun of HIM, he was left alone, misunderstood and a thousand more disappointments. Yet in the midst of all those negative experiences, Jesus remained positive. Jesus always had an encouraging comment, a word of encouragement; he always gave hope to all those around him. Therefore, the mind in Christ in us is positive. Therefore, anytime we turn negative, we are not operating with the mind of Christ.

We know that there are millions of people who suffer from depression, and I don’t think it is possible to be depressed without being negative; unless the cause is pathological. Even in that case, being negative will only increase the problem and its symptoms. According to Psalms 3: 3 God is our glory and he lifts our heads. He wants to lift everything up: our hopes, our attitudes, our spirits, our head, our hands and heart, our whole life. Jesus is our divine lifter!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in your presence asking for your forgiveness. Help me on this day to overcome depression and that I can overcome the attacks of the enemy. I ask it in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, to overcome depression the bible in Psalms 143: 3-10 describes depression and how to overcome it. Examine this passage in detail to see the steps we can take to overcome this attack from the enemy.