Old age

They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing. Psalm 92:14.

Aging will touch us all. The stage arrives or the moment that we all say “we are getting old”. We no longer have the same strengths, the same vigor or energy, which we feel in our body and our bones. When we see ourselves in a mirror or compare us with the photos, we see that our face is not the same. Our face begins to have lines of expression that we did not have before, the famous wrinkles, and when we laugh we get the “little crow’s feet” (wrinkles in the eyes) as they say in my country. But, the important thing is that as the years pass we acquire experiences, we see life from another perspective and with a new strength that we did not have before.

Proverbs 16:31 says “The hoary head is a crown of glory if it is found in the way of righteousness.” How good it is to know that our God takes care of those who are advancing in age, therefore, that old age is a crown of honor. Many of us can still work, others have time to read, meditate, and enjoy with their families. Over time, we have been more sensitive to hearing the voice of God and being grateful for everything we have and for what we do not have. Also, over the years our agility is not as fast as before, but in our slowness, we learn not to react with the same speed but to think before acting or making decisions, because life has led us to depend on God and not on ourselves.

My dear friends, we are not the ones who are 15 or 25 years old, but I do know that with the passing of time the eye vision gets worse, but we learn to see life from another perspective and to see the greatness of God through the nature and the smile of a child. Our breathing is slower, but we learn to take the time to smell and feel what surrounds us. Perhaps over time, our strength is not the same, but we learn to trust in the strength that God gives us each morning. The hearing may not be the best, but we learn to listen to the voice of God and the sound of the wind and the birds when they sing. Perhaps our skin and hands wrinkle over time, but we learn to touch and feel the skin of another human being when we caress and they caress us. Our mind can fail, but we are grateful that we are alive. So, every stage of our life has a purpose and that even in old age God always takes care of us.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I want to apologize if I have failed you and even not knowing if I have done it, forgive me. I am in front of your presence to give you thanks for my life and for the years you have allowed me to have here on earth. I ask you always for new strengths like the buffalo and learn to rejuvenate like the eagle and wisdom to continue my path in you, Jesus. Thank you for taking care and protection of my life. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, old age is not an excuse to leave everything. God is always taking care of you. Get up, take a new breath because it’s never too late to start. With time you acquire experiences and wisdom to make better decisions, the past has already passed. It is time to continue the journey because as long as there is life there is hope.

Time to enjoy life. Seek from God, meditate, pray, attend a church. Join a group of volunteers, your experience is helpful to others. Take time to travel or go out with your friends and remember the good times and the present moments. The years pass but the moment is now for you to enjoy yours. God bless you!