My will

And the world passes, and also its passions, but the one who does the will of God remains forever. 1 John 2:17

As time goes by we calm down, all the chaos, despair and confusion diminish, and tranquility and harmony begin to reign in the midst of this pandemic. The world spins. It appears to spin slowly, but with that spin comes the night as well as the dawn of a new day. Time reminds us that in the face of what we see is perfect and only part of us remains to live the moment fully and in harmony with the natural.

Time reminds us that the whole situation and the future are assured by a majesty in which the universe offers us. Even when we do not see that nothing is happening around us or something new, remember that there are beings that die and others that are born to tell the world that we are alive. Sometimes we think that nothing happens in our present, but in truth is that wonderful things are happening as a nature that re-surges more beautiful than ever. We breathe a purer air, our greenest land, the majestic sea with creatures that come to the surface to say thank you, and a sky that reflects that there is something more that our human mind cannot understand. So, at night we can contemplate the beauty of the moon and the stars, and in the morning a sun that shines in its entire splendor.

My dear friends, during this period of quarantine and apparently inactive, we can see that there is tranquility that in the great I am, his will is fulfilled and not ours. Therefore, do not force anything; He only understands that everything is arising and that only the perfect will transcend. Be calm and in peace. Time seems strange and unusual to us. Allow your thoughts and every action of yours to be directed by the great I am, his will. Therefore, in these times that we do not know, My will is fulfilled.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you for forgiveness if within my process I have despaired and lost faith in you. Today, I want  to be on your will and not mine. Be you guiding my steps. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I know that difficult times come to our lives such as health, family, financial impact, and so many other things, but I want to tell you not to lose faith. Be still and trust in our God. He never leaves his children homeless. Remember that you are not alone.

This time we are at home, go out for a moment to the patio of your house or to the balcony of your house, contemplate nature and thank God for life.

Also, remember that there are organizations that can help you.