Motivation and Inspiration

Hello Dear Readers

I am very excited to be creating this platform, The Inspirational Hope-Fe Blog. This platform will be written in Spanish to English to be able to reach everyone. Therefore, I have a great desire to bring my experiences and knowledge to society. A society full of many challenges, which often lose the horizon to where we are headed.

Here is where my blog begins. The Inspirational Hope-Fe blog is to bring hope to all people who ask so many questions and question the process of our lives. During the process of our journey, there are moments where we lose hope and faith. We search for solutions and even search through the Internet to find immediate answers. Well, I have often found myself doing the same thing.

Many times in my desperation, I speak to God and I want to have the quickest response as if it were the Internet. I think that there are people like me that in our desperation, believers or not in God, who do this search for immediate response through the Internet.

Knowing God, he has allowed me through this blog to reach your need in the middle of your crisis and give you the inspiration and motivation that there is something much better even if we do not understand our present.

I hope you enjoy every blog and can be a blessing for those who seek an answer in the middle of despair and when our faith is fading in the middle of the crisis.

I encourage many good things to come into your life!

God bless you!

I hope you enjoy The Inspirational Hope-Fe Blog.


Dr. Iris Pérez, DM