Mother, the woman

Because you formed my entrails; you made me in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139: 13

A day like today we celebrate Mother’s Day. As children, we make retrospection of our behavior when we were children, adolescents, young people, and adults. And, now friend that you have had your own child (s) or she is not with you in this world, we realize the value of our mother and the words that they told us, that at that time we did not understand. Words of love that came out of her mouth for our good and many times we lack respect for our ignorance as children. My mother! Forgive me if your eyes brought tears. And, in the silence, your heart was broken.

My Mother! You never have a grudge in your heart, only caresses and words of love. And when we arrived at the house, you welcomed us with a kiss and hugged us. Caresses that we miss, kisses that our cheeks no longer feel, just the memory of that great love you had for each of your children. Children who have possibly made you suffer, you did not sleep until they arrive safely at home. Prayers to God day and night so that the angels accompany your children wherever they are. Our ignorance of believing to know everything, your heart was broken.

My mother! I apologize and although I know that maybe I cannot heal your heart but, there was someone who always did it and that is why you forget all our faults. I thank God for what he did to you, my mother, and that He has always been watching over you, hugging you, healing you and above all listening to your prayers. How good God is, who made the mother, the woman, a virtuous woman, a beautiful woman, a fragile and at the same time unshakable vessel, who gave her grace and peace, gave her feather hands to caress, gave her  breast of cotton to lay our head on her chest, gave her eyes of eagles to see beyond the horizon, gave her feet like a tiger to run before her prey, and gave her wings to nest and care for their chicks. Mother, a woman like you, who will find it? I love you, my mother for giving me life!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am in front of your presence to ask for your forgiveness. Sorry for hurting my mother’s heart, the woman who gave me life. Forgive me if my ignorance made her suffer and for making her tears of pain. It was never my intention to hurt my mother. Thank you, Jesus, because I know that you created her with virtue and strength like no other, you created her with an inexhaustible love and with a fountain of peace that always fills my life. Thank you, Jesus, for creating the virtuous woman, as is my mother.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to forgive and forget. Our mothers are not perfect, but they are women with a sense of love and forgiveness.

Maybe, for some of you, your mother abandoned you, maybe they were mistreated, and so many other things that we carry in our hearts. I do not want to justify what happened in her life. One thing I am sure, that they were not to blame for it because the circumstances and the ignorance of the moment led them to make incorrect decisions. Decisions that lamented and cried until the last moments of their lives. Time to heal wounds and forget that you will someday be mothers or you already are, so I know that you will not make the same mistakes again.

And, those who have wonderful mothers in their lives, love her, value her and respect her, but above all take care of her at all times until the end of her life.

I advise you to

  •  Always take time to give a call to your parents and visit them, if distance allows.
  • Seek professional help from a psychologist to talk about your particular case. Healing wounds is healthy for your present and future.
  • Attend a church of preference and talk to God, who heals wounds and restores hearts and families.