Mind’s power

Because the word of God is alive and effective, and more penetrating than any two-edged sword: and it reaches even to split the soul, and even the spirit, and the joints and marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12.

Recently, we heard the sad news of Mr. Frank Suarez who passed away on February 25, 2021. He was a man with great intellectual, especially, in natural medicine. After his death, so many versions are heard that one as a person does not know what to believe. A man who loved what he did, he lived for others so that they were in balance of life. Many testimonies exist of the help that Mr. Frank Suarez provided them. His slogan was “the truth always triumphs.” Moreover, we always honor Frank Suarez for leaving his legacy through his books. Now this event leads us to think that the power of the mind is powerful. Why am I telling you this?

The power of the mind is powerful. There are as many scientific studies as the mind can lose its balance. For example, we see it in people who live in depression, in people who lose track of the moment, in people with Alzheimer’s symptoms, people who day by day can change their state of mind and mind regarding what they believe and how they feel. Today we are fine and tomorrow our way of thinking changes to such a level that our way of living changes us. The power of the mind is so complex and a mystery in the psychological and scientific environment that even this century there is no explanation.

Our mind can become our enemy many times since negative thoughts come to us that are constant and even self-destructive. Those thoughts may be going round and round constantly that does not allow us to think of positive things. Thoughts that lead us into a trap, leading us to feel uncomfortable and even leave bad disappointments. Therefore, the mind can be a great ally if we use it efficiently. Therefore, if we plant positive thoughts in our mind, it will help us to pay more attention to positive moments and to be able to fulfill our goals. Therefore, a positive attitude to various situations can help us assume positive thoughts about the life we ​​are living. But, always remember that God will fill your thoughts to an extraordinary level.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I want to direct all my thoughts before your presence, help me to control and discard negative thoughts that impact my life and those around me. I ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, there are various methods to keep your mind focused on positive thoughts. Therefore, I recommend the following : how to use the power of the mind?

  • First, as Christians we focus on the spiritual. We connect with our God and talk to him to help us debate negative thoughts.
  • Second, always seek help from someone you trust who can help you.
  • Third, seek help from a healthcare professional. We just cannot do it by ourselves especially if you know that the mind is powerful and you can’t control your thoughts.
  • Fourth, be aware of your thoughts what the fears in your mind are and what excites you.
  • Fifth, learn to focus as the power of your mind can direct your thoughts and actions towards those goals. Remember that everything you focus on intensely will attract in one way or another.
  • Sixth, stop your mind from wandering without any meaning and learn to control it. You don’t have to reflect on every thought that arises at any given moment. You should not give your mind access to all kinds of ideas that appear. Just because a thought arises doesn’t mean you have to entertain yourself with it.
  • Seventh, put aside unfair, inoperative, and toxic thoughts. They have no value. All they do is demotivate you and set limits.
  • Eighth, the best strategy for removing negative thoughts from your mind is to replace them with positive thoughts. Positive beliefs are those that support your growth, progress and challenge you to live to your fullest potential. Usually these beneficial beliefs just don’t appear out of nowhere. We must intentionally plant and cultivate them in ourselves.
  • Ninth, replace negative thoughts with positive ones. If you carefully choose only beneficial thoughts and cultivate them diligently, you will begin to appreciate changes in the world around you. Make it a habit to think hard about the things you want to manifest for example happiness, prosperity, joy, and health. Don’t allow your actions to be guided by fear and anxiety. Replace them with thought forms that are more beneficial to you and yours.
  • Tenth, remember that it is your mind that you create your destiny. Begin to manifest the positive thoughts which will bring the power of your mind to create a new life for you and those around you.