Man and love

You, on the other hand, the man of God, flee from all that and make a point of the following justice, piety, faith, love, perseverance, and humility. 1 Timothy 6:11

When a man loves, respects his neighbor, has mercy, is constant and follows justice, but above all, he protects his own. God created a handsome and vigorous man. God created a man who gave him the power and gave him the wisdom to be good stewards of creation. But above all, through man, God shows his love and mercy.

The man and the love, the love that is expressed through a caress, through a kiss and a strong hug where the other person feels protected, cared for and loved. The love expressed through a man manifests his interior. Moreover, it is a person who knows how to take care of a flower, protects a fragile glass from not breaking, and knows the land where to grow so that the seed grows and produces its fruit. This is how a man expresses all his love for others.

The love of a man is patient, he is kind, he is not envious, he is not jealous, he is not greedy, he is not spiteful, he is not boastful, and he is not arrogance. Furthermore, when a man loves he does not behave rudely, he does not get angry easily and above all, there are words of love on his lips. When in a man there is the love we can find joy, peace, fidelity, and patient. Many people enjoy this man full of love, who knows how to treat them like the flower and like the fragile glass. But above all, that his life and that of his family feel safe because this man loves everyone as he loves himself.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if I have offended you. Today, I stand before you to ask you to enter my heart. Seal me with your love. I want to be a different man today and be able to restore my whole life and that of my home. I ask you with all my heart, Amen.

Friendly advice

Today, my dear friends, it is time to reflect on our personality. The fact that they are men does not imply that they do not have feelings. You are sensitive men and you love with intensity. It is time to break with the pattern of pride and the macho culture. If it is necessary to ask for forgiveness, do so. Talk to your partner and family, express your love for them and tell them how much you love them. Love is not just taking money or sustenance, it is much more than that.

Time to share with your partner, children, family, and friends. Take some time to attend church. And, above all, pray with God, He is always attentive to your prayers. When a man humbles himself before God, miracles happen. Today, it is your day to start something extraordinary in your life.