Live there is hope

They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:23

Holidays are approaching where for many it is joy and for others they are days of sadness. I do not know what your emotional state is at the moment but, I am sure of one thing that you have life. These times we live in have been difficult with all this of the corona virus pandemic. Many have lost loved ones and others have had different experiences that can be sad as well as happy. But, regardless of what your emotional state is, I want to tell you that there is hope.

These holidays, do not consider them as the only days that exist in the calendar because it is understood that all days are more special than others. Today is a day of life and I want you to see it that way. Being able to open your eyes is a miracle of life and for them we give thanks. Thank God for allowing us to have a life of opportunities where we can make amends for something that we left pending. Pending … saying I am sorry, saying I love you, giving a hug or making a simple call. Thanks to life since I am able to touch the earth, to be able to feel the caress of the wind, to be able to smell the flower, to hear the waves of the sea or the singing of the birds, and to be able to see the wonders of the universe. Perhaps your conditions for the human being are not ideal but, for God everything is possible. Thank you God for life and being able to live fully!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if I have stopped living to the fullest. Forgive me if I have let circumstances invade my life. Today, I want to be restored and live fully. Thanks God for the opportunity to live.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, today I want to tell you to give yourself a chance to live life fully. Don’t let a negative event invade your life. There are things that we do not understand but, tomorrow we will see it from another perspective and we will thank God for it. Don’t give up and keep moving forward.