Light in darkness

The light in the darkness shines, and the darkness did not prevail against it. John 1: 5

We have found ourselves in chaos, in a confusion, that we often reach the edge of despair and no way out. And, it is there that our mind runs like a million bucks, we do not think of positive things but, only of all the adversities that can reach our lives. We shout, “It is impossible!” We ask ourselves “What do I do?” And now, “who can help me with this disaster?” We ask ourselves so many questions that we drown, we despair, we get frustrated, and so many other things that we live when we think we are in that place of darkness and that there is no light to see clearly.

During this week that I have been reading Eillen Caddy’s book, God spoke to me, which made me reflect on this lecture which I want to share with you:

Let there be light

Everything around you can be chaos and confusion but they don’t need to touch you because I AM there in the very center of your being and you are even more aware of Me as chaos worsens. I have warned you that the chaos will get worse before it gets better because everything that is dark must be cleared up before everything is Light. The darkness cannot be clarified until it has been revealed, brought to the surface and visas for what it is in itself. In the Light, it has no power, and therefore, will disappear into nothingness. Be grateful because it is coming to the surface.

When I tell you that all is well, believe with all your heart that it is so, no matter how it may appear on the surface. Deepen the situation and see the approaching good. The power of the Spirit is greater than any other power, therefore, let it work within you, like leaven in the dough. Let me help you to rise quickly and silently over everything that could disturb you and grieve you.

Peace is in the stillness. My Peace and My Love protect you and fill you.

How beautiful it is to know that nothing and no one can harm us, God reminds us that He is with us. We just have to remember, that even if your mind thinks you are in darkness, you must always forge our thoughts that God is light. That although you walk in valleys of shadow and death I AM WHO GOES WITH YOU WITH FIRE SWORD LIGHTING YOUR WAY. It is only up to you to confess with your mouth that Jesus is your God and you as a child of God are light in the midst of darkness.


Caddy, E. (2007). God spoke to me. Argentina: Casa matriz.  P. 40

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me. I am before your presence asking you that my life belongs to you. May you be my light and may I as your son be able to shine in the darkness. Jesus is my peace and your love protect me from all evil. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to reflect. What you have done right now has worked for you? Or has it been, temporary?

When you believe with all your heart in divine power and you recognize that Jesus is your God, let him work, do not get in the way of his plans in your life. Soon you will see and hear the answers, just learn to be sensitive and be silent so when the gentle whistle arrives you can hear his voice. Let God help you so you can move on your path. Pray and read the Bible, turn away in silence, meditate and learn to listen. May your heart not be disturbed anymore, trust in God and he will do and work his power in you.