Lift your head

But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. Psalm 3:3.

I was reading a little bit about the mythology of the phoenix. By reading this mythology, I can compare the bird with a resilient person. Viktor Frankl, neuro-psychiatrist and founder of the logo-therapy said that “a traumatic experience is always negative; however, what happens from it depends on each person.” That is why it is in the hands of each person to get up again to come alive in the face of each adversity or otherwise collapse or victimize ourselves in the face of adversity.

I recognize that as we go through traumatic moments, we all feel that we die because we let go of a part of us and we will never be the same. But, that situation allows us to renew ourselves as the phoenix. We rise from the ashes, we acquire more strength, wisdom, and we do not allow the difficult moment to rule our lives. That is why, each difficult event allows us to renew ourselves, we acquire wisdom, we obtain more strength and power, but, above all, it allows us a transformation in our lives that will take us to the highest peak.

We know or are aware that the traumatic moment that was part of us will also go away. That circumstance will become ash, the remains of a past that will not return. However, we also know that those ashes will not go away so fast, but will be part of ourselves. So, from those ashes the phoenix that is in you is born, which is reborn with much more strength, bigger, wiser, and we will serve as inspiration to other people.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, give me wisdom and new forces like the phoenix to rise from the ashes. Help me to be strong in the face of my adversity and give me the wisdom to fly high until I reach the highest place. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends lift your head and open your wings and fly. Do not let negative adversities impact such as in your work, home, finances, adversaries or enemies and so many other things that only you know will bring you down. On the contrary, seek help. Today, you feel that you are down but, tomorrow it will be an extraordinary story written in your life that you will laugh and share with others. Do not give up. Remember that you are a child of God. You are resilient.