Because: He who wants to love life and see good days, restrain his tongue of evil, And his lips do not speak deceit; He turn away from evil, and do good; Look for peace and follow it. 1 Peter 3: 10-11.

Life is full of both good and bad circumstances. Time is transforming us. But the most important thing is that we have decided to give ourselves the opportunity to explore who we really are and that we are different from others. We have virtues as defects, but you are still you and not the other.

Life allows us to go to our destiny. We love who we are, we are passionate, we are free to choose. Moreover, we allow us to meet more people regardless of their religion, politics, race, color, or sex. Well, we know that we are all beings created by the creator of the universe.

Life allows us to be happy. We embrace our dreams; we allow ourselves to help others no matter to whom. And despite our current circumstances we dance in the rain. We do not allow ourselves to abandon what we have obtained with so much sacrifice. Therefore, we fight until we achieve our success, and we remain silent in the face of adversity because it indicates that we are on the right path towards the new step.

Life reminds us that we are alive and that we can continue to breathe until we reach the benefits that God offers us in this beautiful universe full of so many mysteries and at the same time it gives us the feeling that everything has been created with purposes. It only remains for us to live to the full and under the graces of our Lord Jesus, life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I am in front of your presence to give you thanks for life. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, life is a treasure. Don’t let negative circumstances impact your dreams or your goals. Remember that something unknown is always scary and we may make mistakes, but that will allow us to mature and continue to believe in you. Don’t give up, keep going.