1 Thessalonians 4:14

14For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.

Many times we face in our lives a loss of a loved one. It is difficult  letting go a person who has been part of our existence. I had the experience of letting my beloved mother go.

I remember that she always had a smile and even in her illness. Also, she gave God the primacy for giving her the opportunity to live another day. My mother went through many complications of diseases during her stay on earth. One day the doctor entered the hospital room and said: “Dear Madam, you have approximately 5 days left to live, we are going to release you so you can enjoy your children at home”. That news was terrifying, I saw the face of my mother and with a smile, she answered: “Well doctor, you say 5 and only God is the one who defines the time.” Wau! My heart at that moment was torn and I left the room because I could not contain my tears. I notified my siblings because my father was in the room stunned to hear the news with her.

Almost three months past and God gave her the opportunity to live, make her requests and be with the family. But, in that instance of 3 months, I saw her decline in her illness. She was a strong, cheerful woman and always with a positive attitude. But, seeing her suffer quietly in her illness, I asked God not to let her suffer anymore and please take her with Him to heaven. It is not easy to see your loved one suffer, but it feels a relief that they no longer will suffer in this world.

My dear Friend (reader), I do not know for what moment you are going through or have lived with your loved one. I know it is not easy to let go, but we have a hope.  Hope that at some point in our lives we will meet again. How? Yes, God says in his word that everyone who comes to the son will be saved and when Jesus returns, those who have fallen asleep in Christ will be resurrected first.

What we have to worry about is that our loved ones even in their last moment of life, have a moment of asking for forgiveness and repenting of their sins in order to have access to the kingdoms of heaven. Even in the silence of their pain, they listen. God will always give that window to all human being for his love and mercy. I do believe that we ALL have access to the kingdom of heaven. It only depends on you, to make or carry the message of salvation to see them one day face to face.

Prayer: Open your heart

God forgives my sins. Today, I am before your presence asking for wisdom and understanding to bring the word of hope to the illness. I recognize that your power of healing is real. But, if at that moment you are happy to receive my beloved (name of person) in the kingdom of heaven, I thank you for not letting them suffering more in this earthly life. I know that soon we will see them in the kingdom of heaven. Give me the word of wisdom to carry your word of love even in that last breath of life. Amen.

A friendly advice

If you have a friend, family member, or even your enemy, talk to him/her about God’s love. Even if at that moment they do not listen to you, they will remember that second of life the message of God’s love and the opportunity of a new dawn.

They will always be loved and remembered.