Leadership (Part 7 of 7)

“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies”. Proverbs 31:10

Jesus formed a precedent in the life of women. Jesus broke with the traditional culture of treating women as second-class people. Jesus addressed the woman with respect and gave her participation in this earth. There are several biblical backgrounds of women and their role as leaders.

We read the case of the Samaritan woman, when Jesus spoke to her, when at that time it was forbidden (Saint John 4, Bible). And, this Samaritan woman became a woman who took the message to others about Jesus. We see the case of Mary Magdalene, when she arrived at the tomb, Jesus revealed himself to the woman first to carry the message to his disciples that he was resurrected (Saint John 20, Bible).

But, if we go back to the times before Jesus was born, we read about a woman who was a prophetess and judge, Deborah, who guided her people in battle (Judges 2-5, Bible). We read about Ruth, a woman who worked to bring food to the house (Book of Ruth, Bible). We read about Esther, a woman who was queen and saved her people from death (Book of Esther, Bible).

What do these women have in common with the current woman? All these women were women with transformational leadership style, they broke with the customs and traditions of their times. They performed important functions or works that caused an extraordinary change in the women of our times today.

It is sad to know that in our present, studies show that women have a minimal participation in leadership roles in business as well as in politics, and even in educational levels (Horowitz, Igielnik, & Parker, 2018, Northouse, 2013). When we evaluate the studies, they indicate that the woman has a stereotype of being a sensitive person, is empathetic, is cooperative and of parenting or family (Northouse, 2013; Urióstegui, nd). When compared to the stereotype of man, he is full of confidence, assertive, independent, rational and decisive (Northouse, 2013). Therefore, studies show that women face obstacles in our day to carry out their role as a leader, often based on stereotypes and the perception that others have of the role of women as leaders (Horowitz, Igielnik, & Parker, 2018 Northouse, 2013, Molero, 2009).

What should the organization and society do to break the inequality in the leadership role of women?

Studies have shown that many organizational cultures have begun to change their thinking style by not taking gender into account according to work, have begun to separate work separation with family, and have changed the notion of interrupted career full-time, this is flexibility in work schedules. Also, these organizations have developed programs for women, have created systems of net-work and have given aid to have a better lifestyle and work.

Therefore, woman, it’s time to break with traditions and excuses that we often put ourselves when new opportunities arise. These new opportunities give you the advantage to demonstrate your qualities and experiences as a leader. Remember woman, your role as a woman was transformed from ancient times, it is time to take control of who you are, with strong and innate leadership that you have not valued until today. It is time to rise and change the course of your life as a virtuous woman!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I apologize if I have failed you. I apologize if my insecurities have led me to not have the opportunity to embark on a new direction in my life as a person and professional. I recognize for many years you broke with the pattern of mistreatment towards women and sometimes we have allowed others the devaluation of us as a person and professional. Help me, today to break with the fear and stereotypes that society often qualifies us. Today, I want to break with that old culture and be a woman with wisdom to be at the level that you want me to be, a woman with transformational leadership style. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Dear (o) friend (o) who read this blog, this is not only for the woman but, for you man that has potential women employees in your organization or you husband that you have a virtuous woman with many abilities and qualities to undertake a future in your relationship. Today, I want to share some strategies for you to be a woman with a transformational leadership style. The following recommendations are:

  1. Establish and achieve objectives. This is a great help for business success.
  2. Try to achieve the objectives by transforming your work teams into better people. For example:

a. Be a role model that inspires others.
b. Invest time in training and personal development.
c. Emphasize teamwork and effective and assertive communication.

3. Do not be a transactional leader. Read Leadership (Part 5 of 7). Studies have shown that this type of leadership is harmful. Therefore, it is important to focus on transformational leadership.

4. Take advantage of your gender. Neuroscientific studies have shown that women have high levels of oxytocin than men. This hormone, oxytocin, is known as the hug hormone, which is why women are more concerned about the well-being of others. Therefore, it is an advantage in the role as a leader since it focuses on the development of the individual.

5. Forbidden to say that we are bossy. Since we were girls, we have been taught that when girls talk and take charge of someone or something, they are known as the bossy ones. But, boys are called leaders when they behave in the same way. There are organizations that also fear women when they speak or communicate in meetings. Is it or does it sound familiar? This phenomenon plays an important role since it is the reason that many women are less likely to obtain leadership roles in a world controlled by men. It is for this reason that there are movements to change this type of behavior in organizations, we have leaders like Sheryl Sandberg and Beyoncé who call on society to take the message to girls / women that today there is nothing wrong with them for talking. It is for this reason that these pro-women movements are leading and ensuring that today girls and women are labeled as leaders who are and are not qualified as bossy. Therefore, speak, express yourself, and be free in your convictions. You are a transformational leader!

6. Assign tasks based on the strengths of the individuals. As transformational leaders, learn what each member of your team is naturally good at and enjoys, and give them as much work as possible. The best way to do this is to spend time interacting with your team on a personal level. Discover their strengths in and out of work. They could surprise you! And, if you still do not know your staff, do a personality questionnaire or have a “one-to-one” or “face-to-face” meeting to know what they like or dislike so they can be more effective in the organization.

7. Finally, I recommend having an open door policy that leads to effective communication. This key can lead your employees, individuals or family to have the confidence to reach you and also shows to be a trustworthy and transparent leader. Be objective, listen, and help them.

As women and leaders, it is our responsibility to take advantage of every opportunity the universe offers us. We must demonstrate our strengths, virtues, our intelligence, and our gifts or talents to put them into action. This action will provoke and open a new path and a different way in each organization to see women and our girls as successful leaders wherever they are.  It’s time to get up and be an entrepreneur woman!


Horowitz, J.M. Igielnik, R. & Parker, K. (2018). Women and Leadership. Pew Research Center: Social and demographic trends. Retrieved from http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2018/09/20/1-views-on-the-state-of-gender-and-leadership-and-obstacles-for-women/

Molero, A. F. (2009). Aproximación Psicosocial A Los Factores Que Dificultan El Acceso De La Mujer A Los Puesto De Alta Responsabilidad. Retrieved from http://www.inmujer.gob.es/areasTematicas/estudios/estudioslinea2009/docs/mujerLiderazgo.pdf

Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership Theory and Practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Urióstegui, L (nd). 7 características del liderazgo en las mujeres. Retrieved from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/286469