Leadership (Part 5 of 7)

You have heard that it was said to the ancients … But I say to you …”  Matthew 5: 21-48.

Continuing with the theme of Leadership, today I will talk about the transformational leader. Remembering the definition of transformational leadership:

Transformational Leadership – Northouse (2013)suggested transformative leadership is one that is part of a new leadership, which pays more attention to the charismatic and affective elements of leadership. It is a process that changes and transforms people. In addition, this type of leadership style incorporates charismatic and visionary leadership.

Jesus as a transformational leader is a leader who changed and transformed the history of humanity. Jesus modified laws, gave new mandates and with his arrival on earth came the change of time (years) of “before Christ” (AC) and “after Christ” (DC). When there is transformation, new challenges arise. But, with the new challenges come or there are people looking for ways to maintain the tradition or current standards that often become obstacles to the growth or emergence of something new that will benefit humanity.

Such was the case of Jesus that his new leadership, not understood by many, was taken to the cross. But, even so, He fulfilled one of the most important missions that would transform humanity. Therefore, he offer forgiveness and the entrance to the kingdom of heaven for all who believe, trust, and confess with their mouth that He is their God will be saved. So, dear friend, when you evaluate the role of Jesus here on earth, He continues to be the example to follow as a leader by excellence as a transformational leadership.

By evaluating the transformational leader in our times, the leader incorporates charismatic leadership. Charismatic leadership has a dominant personality, has a strong desire to influence others, has self-confidence, and has a strong sense of one’s moral value (Creswell, 2014). Therefore, their behavior is one that has a strong role, establishes a solid model, demonstrates competence, articulates the goal, communicates great expectations, expresses confidence and awakens in its follower’s affiliation, power or esteem.

What is the effect that transformational leaders causes on their followers? The followers demonstrate confidence, they have the same beliefs, they accept without questioning, they have affection towards the leader, they obey, they identify with the leader, there is a mutual feeling, the goals increase, and there is an increase in confidence.

The transformational leader motivates his/her followers. By increasing the level of awareness of importance and values, it helps followers to have their own interest in the well-being of the group and motivates their followers to reach the needs they need. Therefore, the transformational leader is a person who influences others, charismatic, inspires, motivates, gives intellectual stimulus and has consideration for the individual. Also, the leader is aware that his followers improve their potential on a larger scale.

Northouse (2013) described the 4 factors that a transformational leader has:

  1. Charisma or idealized influence: The leader acts as a strong example for followers. Followers identify these leaders and are eager to emulate them. The leader has very high standards of moral and ethical conduct and can be counted on to do the right thing. They are deeply respected by followers, who often rely heavily on their leadership.
  2. Inspirational Motivation: Leaders who communicate high expectations to followers inspire them through the motivation to commit and be part of the shared vision in the organization. Team spirit is reinforced by this type of leadership.
  3. Intellectual Stimulation: The leader encourages followers to be creative and innovative and to challenge their own beliefs and values, as well as those of the leader and the organization. Moreover, the leader develops innovative ways of dealing with the problems of the organization. Motivate followers to think things through on their own and dedicate themselves to the careful resolution of problems.
  4. Individualized Consideration: This factor is representative of the leader who provides a supportive climate in which they listen carefully to the individual needs of the followers. The leaders act as coaches and advisors while trying to help followers to be completely up-to-date. In addition, this leader delegates to help followers grow through personal and professional challenges

The transformational leader produces greater effect than those leaders who are transactional leaders. To have an idea about transactional leadership, this leader is one that does not individualize the needs of subordinates or focus on their personal development. They exchange valuable things with subordinates to promote their own agenda, so the leader makes known the goals that the organization expects its employees to execute and communicate how they will be rewarded for their effort.

The transactional leaders focus on promoting the compliance of their followers through rewards or punishments. These leaders pay more attention to their followers in order to find faults and deviations. The transactional leaders focus on increasing the efficiency of routines and procedures, are concerned to follow the existing rules than making changes in the structure of the organization.

The two factors that Northouse (2013) mentions about a transactional leader are the following:

  1. Contingent reward: It is a process of exchange between leaders and followers in which the effort of the followers is exchanged for a specific reward.
  2. Management by exception: Leadership implies corrective criticism, negative feedback and negative reinforcement. This factor takes two active and passive forms. The active form is based on observing followers closely for errors or rule violations and then taking corrective action. The passive form intervenes only after the rules or objectives are not met or a problem arises.

When we evaluate these two types of transformational and transactional leaderships, which one  identifies your leadership style or your organizational leadership style?

Through the studies we find that the transformational leader produces greater effect than those transactional leaders. We have to remember that we live in a competitive world with a generation of millennium and generation Z, who are people full of a lot of potential, professionalism and creativity. Also, current times are more competitive so there are many markets that explore new horizons where they can maintain a competitive market without losing the essential which is the composed of human beings full of experience, intelligence and eager to work. It only depends on the type of leader you are to continue transforming your environment into one of high productive levels and faithful followers as Jesus had in his time and in our present.

Reference: Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership Theory and Practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

The next blog will continue to talk under the theme Leadership about Authentic Leadership. Do not miss it!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if my role on this earth has not been an efficient and effective one here on earth. I want today, to start being a leader or person that can transform others and carry the message of life and hope. That no matter where we are working, studying, or what we are doing, we can be light in the midst of darkness and transforming people in a world full of so many complexities. Help me to make my role as a leader transformational and be attentive to the needs of others and not mine. I ask you in your name Jesus. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Today we talk about transformational leadership versus transactional leadership. Which one do you identify as your leadership style?

Both roles have good advantages such as that they are committed to keep the organization going and functional. But, when it comes to working with people, we must remember that they also have needs that must be met so that they can continue to be productive.

Remember to treat people with the respect and professionalism that each deserves regardless of their race, color, status quo, and others. Each organization depends on each of them. The organization depends on the janitor, it depends on the secretary, it depends on the chef, it depends on the doctor and nurse, and it depends on the gardener, not just the managers or CEO. Each ship has a captain, but he/she would not be a captain unless he/she has their followers.

Therefore, God created us all different and with different virtues. You just have to know how to lead and what is the virtue that each of them has and get the best result from each individual that has innate leadership, with high levels of seeing beyond what you do not see. Sometimes we look for external resources when there are people who know how to handle that situation. Remember do not wait until it’s too late when you’re about to close the doors. It is time to awaken and time to be a transformational leader and you will see how your life or organization will be taken to another level. But above all with a group of followers who trust in your transformational leadership.