Leadership (Part 1 of 7)

5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it [b]robbery to be equal with God, 7 but [c]made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2: 5-8

I remember while studying my doctoral career, in one of the seminars we were given a task of choosing a leader and discussing their qualities and the leadership style of that leader. And, I remember, that one person in the group quickly said in a loud and strong tone: “That it is not Jesus!” All of us looked at her and some told her “why not Jesus, if he is the leader by excellence?” Those words were engraved in my heart, “Jesus leader by excellence”. Finally, the person was still upset and to avoid further confronting the group chose another leader. When the other groups discussed their leaders, most groups had Jesus as their leader.

Making a retrospection of the event, the attitude of the person, although still annoying, gave me sadness because I felt that she was carrying pain, but at the same time that person recognized that Jesus was a leader, why? Because that person said “that is not Jesus”. So, recognizing Jesus as the ultimate example of leadership on this earth and the universe, I want to write in various blogs the role and characteristics of a good leader that must exist in any organization to make it competitive in the market, but above all, different from the others. What kind of leadership does your organization have? This is a question to reflect on.

Over time there are many studies on the role, the characteristics, and the style of leadership. Also, many of us have identified who is the boss and who is the leader in our organization. Moreover, many of us have identified the bad and good leaders through different scenarios within an organization or even in our daily and family life.

Through this blog and some consecutive ones, I will be talking about four styles of leadership that have been often distorted or confused when employees show their innate leadership, and bosses have not known how to use their leaders as advantages for the organization, but sadly they see them many times as threats. Do you know what your leadership style is? Do you want to know more about the four styles of leadership that your organization and your life can take to another level? Well, the next blogs will continue talking or writing under the theme Leadership.

Next blogs of Leadership theme will be divided in seven parts, so stay tuned to the next topics of Leadership.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I come before your presence asking for forgiveness. Today, I want to be sensitive to your call and that my role on this earth is one to bless and help others to be successful. Give me wisdom from above to identify my weaknesses and improve every day more in you, Jesus. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Friend, who reads this blog Leadership, I want to tell you to open your heart and give yourself the opportunity to learn or improve your role and characteristics that anyone should have when working with a diversity of people.

I recommend you:

  1.  Always be at the forefront of what is happening in the market.
  2. Take leadership courses. These courses should be updated with the era we live.
  3. Recognize and understand who your employees or people are working today such as baby boomers, generation X, millennia, and generation Z.
  4. Always be ready to listen and not to impose.
  5. Always come up with a win-win plan, which will take both of you to a more successful place.
  6. Communication must be effective in both directions (top-bottom, bottom-top).
  7. Cover the needs of your employees as it is a way to gain trust and empathy as human beings and not robots.