Keylla Hernández

“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy[a] unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame”. Songs 8: 6.

Many of us suffer the death of journalist Keylla Hernández. Although not all of us met her personally, but we did know her as the WAPA anchor woman. Keylla Hernández was a woman who demonstrated to the whole world that faith moves mountains.

I remember when Keylla Hernández gave the news about the condition of her health. Keylla Hernández was a strong woman. Before the television media, she announced the sad news about the cancer that was diagnosed in her body, for all Puerto Ricans it was impressive and the people suffered along with that news. She demonstrated an incalculable faith, so much so that God allowed her to fully enjoy her family, her friends, and was part of many social activities that gave strength for those who suffered from this condition, cancer.

A woman of charisma, faith, virtues, and before the circumstances she showed the world that without God nothing can be executed. Keylla Hernández always stood in victory. Although, many of us thought that she was physically healed, and would ask what happened, the most important thing is not to question the divine process since Keylla Hernandez does not suffer more in this earthly world and that her legacy here on Earth has been one of great value.

Keylla Hernández left us as a legacy that before any difficult circumstances, we must empower ourselves and continue as far as God allows us to live. Moreover, she taught us that our gifts and talents should be shared with the whole world. We will remember Keyla Hernandez forever.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, at this moment we are asking for strength for the family of Keylla Hernandez and the people of Puerto Rico. We ask that they may feel the peace of your presence, Jesus, in their lives. Amen.